Lock Your Meds Campaign Toolkit

Lock Your Meds Campaign Toolkit

The Lock Your Meds® campaign, created by the National Family Partnership, is a universal prevention campaign intended to save lives by preventing prescription drug abuse, which is the fastest growing substance abuse problem in America. Did you know that 67% of abused medications come from family and friends, not a stranger/drug dealer or the internet? Lock Your Meds® encourages people to secure and take regular inventory of their medication so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Many adults may be unintentional suppliers and awareness is the key to ending this preventable epidemic.

What's Included

  • Campaign Implementation Toolkit
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Adult Pledges
  • Youth Pledge Banner

You can select how much you would like per item to meet your need up to the value of the toolkit. 

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